
Sports Massage

Improve Performance & Restore Function

Sports massage utilises fundamental massage strokes as well as stretching and joint mobilisation techniques to help you prepare and/or recover from your activity or competition. Sports massage can also be really helpful for people that engage in other physically demanding or regular activities.

Before treatment, we will discuss your medical history, any current or previous injuries as well as specific aims of the massage. This may include any specific muscles or areas of the body that you would like to be treated, as well as any events or competitions that you might be preparing for.


  • Speeds up recovery after intensive exercise or activity

  • Effective for integrating into treatment and rehab programme

  • Increases range of motion in joints and muscle flexibility

  • Helps to provide relief from sciatica, back pain and muscle aches

Deep Tissue Massage

Relieve Tension & Reduce Muscle Stiffness

Deep tissue massage aims to relieve tension in the muscle and fascia. This type of massage is great for those who prefer stronger pressure and is useful for targeting specific areas to encourage better movement.


  • Stronger pressure to reduce tension in areas where there is greater muscle stiffness

  • Targets specific problem areas

  • Supports general muscle recovery

Relaxing Massage

Stimulate Mind & Body Connection

A relaxing massage uses gentle to medium strokes to stimulate a general sense of relaxation, assisting with reducing both physical and mental stress. It can also aid a more restful sleep and help to calm the nervous system. It can be effective to include in between more intense massages.


  • Helps to calm the nervous system

  • Can be a good way to balance and supplement a stronger pressure massage

  • Helps to reduce both physical and mental stress

  • Can encourage a more restful sleep